President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad is a master
What will it take to wipe the smirk off President
Ahmadinejad's face? One would think that preparations for the impending doom heading their way might do it, but then again maybe not. Iran’s “proxy war” against the US in Iraq is obvious. Do they think we are idiots? Well maybe some of us are, what with the support of congress backing Iran nearly one hundred percent in their quest to rule Iraq after our rapid departure.
Out of one side of his mouth Iran’s President speaks of peace and happiness for all, while the other side, (separated only by a red twitching forked tongue) the destruction of Israel and the West. Yes it's true, President
Ahmadinejad has a heart-felt yearning to “politically destroy" Israel, whatever that means. According to him, Israel has
no right to exist anyway. What a guy! Able to contradict himself from one sentence to the next while the world looks on with a unanimous amen!
Which one is it President
Ahmadinejad? You can’t have it both ways can you? I am constantly amazed at the literal morons who support this clown. How obvious does it need to be to see that President
Ahmadinejad is an evil doer? Actually “evil doer” is a good description. If Bill Clinton would have used the term “evil doer” in office the democrats would have cheered! Okay I’m off topic… back to President
This leader of Iran is so artfully spinning a tapestry of bull droppings (pardon the profanity) that some in our country embrace his every word! Harry Reid, probably without even knowing it, has the stench of said tapestry wrapped around him so tightly that blood flow to his brain is shut off entirely. The conflict in Iraq needs to end now, according to him. Harry Reid is a shining example of what being a literal moron is all about! Look in the dictionary and next to the word “moron” you will find a low resolution black and white picture of Harry Reid.
It makes no difference
now what the conflict in Iraq
was about. The conflict is and has (for a while now) been between the US and Iran. Just like the Superbowl where both teams are not playing on the home field.
Make no mistake, Iran hopes, prays and sacrifices goats for US failure in Iraq! If we do fail, they will be there like good Samaritan's to help fill the power vacuum left in our wake.
Ahmadinejad, that smirking wolf, dressed in sport coat and loafers, bearing cold, calculated and desperately hollow beady dictator-eyes will assume the role as savior to Iraq. Be not fooled by this little evil doer, his intentions are neither good nor helpful.
As we, the US, head into even more conflict with Iran, it is in our best interest to finish the war with them that they declared on us thirty years ago. This smoldering declaration of war has for decades grown into seething hatred and is now flaring up to forest fire proportion.
Love or hate George Bush, one has to notice the fact that he finally flushed the Iranian chumps out into the open! Iran has a vested interest in our defeat in Iraq. Do not think for one moment that Iran’s leadership has not been supporting those currently in congress. Iran wants nothing more than a rapid and complete withdrawal from Iraq. And so do many holding the Democrat players card..
During the next few weeks and months, keep your eyes on the Iran–Iraq border. This area is going to be the shifting focal point for some rather startling events!
Democratic king-pin and blithering babble bucket Harry Reid, needs to look at history, imagine outcomes and keep his smarmy little ferret mouth closed.
Harry Reid is yet again in the Pillory!