Friday, July 13, 2007

How we will win in Iraq

Regarding war, whatever happened to the element of surprise? This surprise kept the enemy’s anxiety at a high level. By not letting the enemy know what was coming next is the greatest weapon we have. This constant uncertainty weakens the enemy.

The American media machine has whipped us all into the misguided belief that we have the right to know everything. This belief is wrong and has neutered our military. If I tell you my next move in a chess game before I make it and why I am making it, the game becomes impossible to win.

Like the above mentioned chess game, Iraq has become a quagmire because there is no surprise. Democrats are fighting the Republicans. Republicans are seen to defect and the whole world watches us make fools of ourselves. In America, it is not us against them. It is all for one and one for all. We have forgotten the basis of our past success. We have forgotten that this country is “one nation under God and indivisible.”

We have weakened our nation to a point of global ridicule by airing our dirty laundry. Every goofy statement the President makes is broadcast to the world. Every ignorant thing Hillary Clinton says or the way she says it is broadcast to the world. We look like a nation of fools. We have lost our integrity. As our nation continues to self destruct through propaganda, power, greed, immorality, lies and misinformation, the world looks on with a smirk.

NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, FOX, what is the payoff for scooping a story? Is money really worth it? Is that all our country means to you? Money? Greed will kill this nation just as our enemy hopes it will. Their eyes are open to the fact that we are killing ourselves. We are destroying what so many have given their lives for. We have broken the sacred trust to those men and women who have willingly laid down their lives for this country. There is no honor in a divided nation.

The war in Iraq can not be won with the current demand of complete disclosure of every move we make. It can not be won by letting the enemy know when we are going to leave. A scheduled withdrawal is ludicrous. It’s like a police officer telling a bank robber that if he does not stop running, he is going to quit the chase in 3 minutes and go home.

To politicians: You are human beings just like the rest of us. You are paid to serve the country, not yourselves. You are not paid to further your careers through deceit, greed and manipulation. Respect is earned not by your wealth but by the good you do.

What have we become? The polarization of our country is just what the enemy wants and is so easily seen every minute of every day on no less than 50 satellite channels. If we want to fix the problems of the world, we need to fix ours first. That is how we will win in Iraq.

Who should be in today's pillory? You decide.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Nobel Peace Price Recipiant Betty Williams says: "...I could kill George Bush."

When someone comes from another country, Ireland in this case, and threatens our president and calls for his impeachment, and this person gets a standing ovation, something is wrong. When this person was a member of the IRA and voluntarily witnessed the execution of a British soldier and this person gets a standing ovation for wanting to “kill” our president, something is wrong! When this person receives a Nobel peace prize, something is wrong.

Nobel Peace Prize winner and former member of the IRA, Betty Williams, visited Texas to declare that President George Bush should be impeached and said: “Right now, I could kill George Bush."

Were the fine folks involved in this conference outraged? Yes! Outraged to the point of a standing ovation! Following Betty’s “peaceful” words “I could kill George Bush” a standing ovation filled the air like a Billy Graham hallelujah revival.

Was this a Revenge of the Skin-Heads gathering? Or a speech given at the annual Young Ladies for Hitler banquet? Nope, Ms. Williams speech was given at the International Women's Peace Conference held in the Adam's Mark Hotel and conference Center in Dallas Texas.

A public threat was made on the President of the United States and no action is taken besides a standing ovation? Where’s the outrage from the media? As Ms. Williams continued: “The Muslim world right now is suffering beyond belief...Unless the president of the United States is held responsible for what he's doing and what he has done, there's no one in the Muslim world who will forgive him."

Muslims to forgive George Bush? What? The same "poor Muslims" that want to force Sharia law upon us? The join us or be killed "poor" Muslims? The American flag burning haters of freedom Muslims? Sorry to say, Islam is not peaceful. The Muslims want us dead. Sure not all Muslims want us dead but I don't hear any unified mainstream Muslim voices refuting fundamentalist verse.

Betty Williams is in the Pillory!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Coming soon to a network near you: The war in Iran

As the US is about to attack Iran, one wonders if this will escalate into more badness for Iraq or if the insurgents will be called home to fight and then rebuild Iran. In a peculiar way a US attack in Iran will be a good way to see how much trouble Iran has been causing in Iraq.

Iran has had a vested interest in keeping a good fight going in Iraq. They have kept our military pretty busy there and probably think that with us blasting Iraq, we won’t have the resources for conflict in Iran. This however will backfire for them because there will be no ground forces in Iran, only missile and aerial attacks. The conflict in Iran will have actual targets and not an endless flock of whack-a-mole meat sacks with guns.

As we begin to lambaste Iran’s nuclear facilities and related infrastructure, it will be interesting to see how the war in Iraq will slow to a crawl if not stop altogether. Regarding the third aircraft carrier now delicately positioned near the coast of Iran, one can’t help wonder if Iran’s religious sociopath presidential puppet master will finally crack his leathern poker face. It’s about to be the “6-Million All In” hand at the gaming table and I’m guessing the outcome will not be Sharia Law for all.

Logistically one has to wonder if Iran has been the target all the time. If so, President Bush has been playing his cards very close to his vest. If the citizens of Iran would have put up more resistance to their creepy extremely evil regime, all this would probably not be happening.

If the soon to become war in Iran does not significantly slow the conflict in Iraq, it is likely that civil war will be the only way to make any progress there at all. One major miscalculation of President Bush is that he assumed the people of Iraq would rally around the cause. He unfortunately was wrong. If the people of Iraq want “freedom” then they will need to fight for it just like we did.

As a message to Iran, North Korea, Russia and Venezuela- America may be enduring a bit of mud slinging amongst our leaders, but we will unite like nothing you have ever seen before if you “really” threaten our way of life. Your suicide attacks hurt people and ruin families but the spirit of America is something you can’t take away.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, you have a very nice blog to the American people. Some even believe that all you want is to live in peace, but we know different don’t we… wink, wink.

The Pillory is closed today.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Pillory full of Hypocrites

The Pillory is overloaded today and I am tired of locking all their tiny heads and flailing arms in these contraptions. But it's a good kind of tired... If you have rotten fruit and veggies fill a sack and come on down to the pillory for some good old fashioned fun!

In response to President Bush commuting Scooter Libby's sentence I am not shocked nor disappointed by the outrage of the hypocrites in the pillory. Their placement here only continues to prove the cavilling by these caco-politicians to everything Bush. Each attempt to obscure their lack of answers and blatant ignorance shows their not-me pointing finger referencing the innocent after the letting of serious petard in a crowded elevator. The amount of time wasted by these finger pulling gas-bags is formidable.

In response to President Bush’s commuting of Scooter Libby's 2.5 year sentence, let’s start with Hillary Clinton. Hillary, have you lost your mind? Wait… nothing to lose… Have you forgotten about the endless list (457) of Presidential pardons given by none other than your beloved husband Bill? This list includes so many truly heinous people that the bile rises just reading it. From drug trafficking to grand theft to embezzlement, the list is long and sordid.

To John Edwards… Many are thinking it, but I will say it… you’re an idiot, shut up.

Harry Reid, you are not only an idiot but a dork as well.

Nancy Pelosi, you should be in jail for your illegal trip. You know, the one that nobody talks about. Your smarmyness is second to none! If only you could keep your lips from parting…

Senator Joe Biden, you sir, are the devil. (but you already knew that, didn’t you, wink, wink)

Below are the comments from the above mentioned pillory guests:

Only a president clinically incapable of understanding that mistakes have consequences could take the action he did today. President Bush has just sent exactly the wrong signal to the country and the world." - former Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C.
"The Constitution gives President Bush the power to commute sentences, but history will judge him harshly for using that power to benefit his own vice president's chief of staff who was convicted of such a serious violation of law." - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.
"This commutation sends the clear signal that in this administration, cronyism and ideology trump competence and justice." - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y.
Hillary, here is Bill’s list of pardons:
"The president said he would hold accountable anyone involved in the Valerie Plame leak case. By his action today, the president shows his word is not to be believed." - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.
"It is time for the American people to be heard - I call for all Americans to flood the White House with phone calls tomorrow expressing their outrage over this blatant disregard for the rule of law." - Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del.
Where were all these fine folks when Clinton went nuts and went on his pardoning frenzy? The proof is in the history. Hypocrisy at its finest!

Grab your rotten tomatoes and come to the pillory for some good old fashioned fun!

Welcome to the pillory! Nancy, Hillary, Harry, John and Joe!