The American media machine has whipped us all into the misguided belief that we have the right to know everything. This belief is wrong and has neutered our military. If I tell you my next move in a chess game before I make it and why I am making it, the game becomes impossible to win.
Like the above mentioned chess game, Iraq has become a quagmire because there is no surprise. Democrats are fighting the Republicans. Republicans are seen to defect and the whole world watches us make fools of ourselves. In America, it is not us against them. It is all for one and one for all. We have forgotten the basis of our past success. We have forgotten that this country is “one nation under God and indivisible.”
We have weakened our nation to a point of global ridicule by airing our dirty laundry. Every goofy statement the President makes is broadcast to the world. Every ignorant thing Hillary Clinton says or the way she says it is broadcast to the world. We look like a nation of fools. We have lost our integrity. As our nation continues to self destruct through propaganda, power, greed, immorality, lies and misinformation, the world looks on with a smirk.
NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, FOX, what is the payoff for scooping a story? Is money really worth it? Is that all our country means to you? Money? Greed will kill this nation just as our enemy hopes it will. Their eyes are open to the fact that we are killing ourselves. We are destroying what so many have given their lives for. We have broken the sacred trust to those men and women who have willingly laid down their lives for this country. There is no honor in a divided nation.

The war in Iraq can not be won with the current demand of complete disclosure of every move we make. It can not be won by letting the enemy know when we are going to leave. A scheduled withdrawal is ludicrous. It’s like a police officer telling a bank robber that if he does not stop running, he is going to quit the chase in 3 minutes and go home.
To politicians: You are human beings just like the rest of us. You are paid to serve the country, not yourselves. You are not paid to further your careers through deceit, greed and manipulation. Respect is earned not by your wealth but by the good you do.
What have we become? The polarization of our country is just what the enemy wants and is so easily seen every minute of every day on no less than 50 satellite channels. If we want to fix the problems of the world, we need to fix ours first. That is how we will win in Iraq.
What have we become? The polarization of our country is just what the enemy wants and is so easily seen every minute of every day on no less than 50 satellite channels. If we want to fix the problems of the world, we need to fix ours first. That is how we will win in Iraq.

Who should be in today's pillory? You decide.