The topic of interest today, and I don’t know why it is, but it is… Sean Penn’s recent visit with Chavez. I have never been a big Sean Penn fan and never will be but here are the facts:
1. Sean Penn visited with Hugo Chavez.
2. Sean Penn applauded Hugo during a speech that ripped on America.
3. (According to Ian James AP reporter) “Chavez met privately with the 46-year-old actor, (Sean Penn) for two hours Thursday, praising him as being "brave" for urging Americans to impeach President Bush.” And to elaborate on #2
4. Hugo’s speech continues: "If the people of the United States, those millions and millions of poor people ... if that nation realizes what is truly happening here, there would be a revolution in the United States," Chavez said, eliciting applause from Penn.
5. Sean Penn is an idiot, (I am embarrassed for him.)
Here is where I stand. Enough with political correctness. Enough with celebrity arm chair politicians (Jane Fonda Syndrome). America was founded by loyalty, trust and great personal risk, and “In God We Trust” not Allah. If you have a problem with that, leave. Jane Fonda is a traitor to our country while Sean Penn moves ever closer to that moniker.
The American flag and flags of its 50 states are the only flags that should fly on United States soil-not Mexico's flag. English is our language. If you don’t speak or read it, learn or stop complaining. Drivers license manuals should be written in one language, English. If you cannot read the English version don’t drive. Road signs are written in English not Spanish.
Profiling is effective and should be embraced. The ACLU is evil as are Hillary and Bill Clinton, Vladimir Putin along with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who should be dipped in batter and fried. George Bush truly believes he is doing the right thing and maybe he is. Ted Kennedy is a buffoon. Nancy Pelosi is something not pleasant like the scent of popcorn flatus... And finally, our country is in chaos thanks in major part to the liberal thirst for power, a liberal agendized media and Harry Reid, stoopid Harry Reid.
Profiling is effective and should be embraced. The ACLU is evil as are Hillary and Bill Clinton, Vladimir Putin along with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who should be dipped in batter and fried. George Bush truly believes he is doing the right thing and maybe he is. Ted Kennedy is a buffoon. Nancy Pelosi is something not pleasant like the scent of popcorn flatus... And finally, our country is in chaos thanks in major part to the liberal thirst for power, a liberal agendized media and Harry Reid, stoopid Harry Reid.

I'm putting myself in the pillory today, I need the rest.