What has Al Gore truly accomplished? He took the current “hot” topic, claimed it as his own, then sensationalized it ad nauseam! Voila, one Nobel Peace Prize in the bag! I am surprised that Mr. Gore did not win the Nobel for his self proclaimed invention of the Internet. Maybe the committee missed that one.

So what’s wrong with Mr. Gore’s prize? Everything! He has done literally nothing, with the exception of hanging precariously from the stained shirt tail of quasi-science while gaining fame and fortune through his sky is falling rhetoric! It is easy to identify global problem areas but the real trick is creating solutions to those problems. Has Mr. Gore delivered practical solutions to “global warming?” No! He has championed a cause that uses hazy science at best to conclude that mankind can reverse global warming through the implementation of "carbon credits." Typical answer from someone that does not live in the real world. Make people pay to pollute!

I have to hand it to Mr. Al Gore for his ability to spin a tapestry of B.S. so artfully that it jerks him from the kids table and sits him down with the grown ups. Some of the deserving grown ups include; 1903’s Maria Sklodowska-Curie discoverer of radioactivity, 1954’s Linus Pauling for his hybridized orbital theory and nuclear test-ban treaty activism, 1956’s William Shockley co-inventor of the transistor and 1958’s Frederick Sanger for his work with the insulin molecule and virus nucleotide

So where does a sensationalist like Al Gore fit in with real achievement? He doesn’t! End of story.