Friday, April 20, 2007

BREAKING NEWS:WMD Found! Democrat Harry Reid is it!

Far be it from me to cast aspersions but on this day, aspersions I will cast. I know this smacks partisan but I can not, not speak up regarding the overt stupidity of our "leaders". When George W. Bush was elected president of the United States, war was declared. Yes it is true, the Democrats declared war on the Republicans. This declaration was not made public, just like terrorist organizations that undermine society, so to did the Democrats.

Voted affirmative by Democrats and Republicans, approval for the war in Iraq has been turned into a political struggle not for the well being of the United States but the well being of the Democrat party. From the onset, key Democrats have been spinning the web to catch Bush. Give him enough rope to hang himself then we (Democrats) have power back! Not one concern about right or wrong but only how to get power back. Not one concern about how many troops are killed to fulfill their agenda, just get the power back.

Unity would have ended the war in Iraq long ago. Division has caused it to fester. With such disregard for anything moral, the Democrats have shown what their motive is and has been all along. Take Bush out anyway they can! Shame is given and should be embraced by the Democrat party.

"United we stand, divided we fall" was inspiration by our founding fathers. Even this simple concept could not be followed by those with such self serving agendas. Nevada Democrat and leader of the Senate majority, Harry Reid, transformed America into France with five words; "The Iraq war is lost".

The message sent to our enemies through this one statement has done and will do more damage to our country than anything terrorists have done or will do. The WMD has been found! And Harry Reid, Democrat, is it!

Today's Pillory Guest: Harry Reid, Democrat Majority Leader and WMD


Thursday, April 19, 2007

Climate Change: Changing science to fit agendas

When I had the opportunity recently to become violently ill from a stomach virus I knew that it was the bad cake I had eaten the evening before. However, no one else became ill from eating the cake, just me but it had to be the cake, didn’t it? Well, no it didn’t.

We as human beings react to stimuli in an interesting and almost psychotic way. If we vomit, what we last ate must have caused it! What else could it have been?

The virus I had quietly incubated for days prior to my becoming ill was the real culprit. But I was sure it was the cake I had eaten the previous night. The way some view climate change is very similar to this reaction. The weather is changing and we look for the easiest explanation for it to satisfy our hunger for answers. We need immediate answers to everything, even if those answers are not really accurate.

If the weather is changing, it has to be caused by man! Doesn’t it? No it really does not. If we all take a step (or ten) back from the sky is falling mentality of Al Gore, we might be able to slow down enough to make an educated decision. We may actually see other possibilities.

Human beings thirst for answers. We have such an ingrained genetic desire to know everything, that even science and physics will alter itself to satisfy that need. Unanswered questions leave scientists with a feeling of inadequacy. Many scientists think they have answers to just about everything so naturally the remaining questions get sucked up into the vacuum of theory. For some less initiated into intellectual circles, these empirical notions can then twist into fact.

My point; not all of what we see is fact. Not all of what we know is true.

Today's Pillory guest: Al Gore's Scientists


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Today's Pillory Guest:

Smoking kills many more people each year than guns. Why no outrage against the tobacco industry? I suppose there are a few groups out there trying to spread the word about the ills of smoking through advertising but what about legislation? Why, in our enlightened age does B. H. Obama still smoke? Though he tries to quit, he just can't seem to control the urge.

Ban guns? There are several ban guns websites like "" and others. They want to have the government buy all the guns everywhere. Then make it illegal to have any type of gun. What? I don't think they understand one fact. Only honest people would give up their guns, not criminals or insane gun toter's.

In light of the latest massacre at Virginia Tech, I can see and partially understand certain lawmakers using this as a device to further an agenda but should they? Is the real problem the gun itself or the finger that pulls the trigger? Will illegalizing all guns be a solution to gun crime? Does illegalizing something make it go away? Many recreational drugs like marijuana, cocaine, crack, LSD etc. are illegal. Has that taken care of the drug problem?

After careful consideration, today's Pillory guest is,

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Introduction to Dave's Pillory

Pillory: a device for publicly punishing offenders consisting of a wooden frame with holes in which the head and hands can be locked.

Dave's Pillory is dedicated to injustice, manipulation and greed of the media, along with individuals, companies and politicians that through their actions (or lack thereof) cause human suffering and further degradation of our planet.

Who should be locked in the Pillory? Who deserves public scorn and ridicule? The list is long. In the coming weeks and months, some of that list will be highlighted here. These are my opinions, judgments and insights. Feel free to add your thoughts and ideas.
