Friday, September 14, 2007

Hissing Democrats, claws still unfurled!

Last evening, I watched our President make his case as to progress in Iraq. He spoke well and with a familiar tone. Patience in Iraq is needed and progress is being made. President Bush made several good points along with the old not so well received points.

The real story about last night’s address is the immediate response by the democrats. Rhode Island Senator Jack Reed (D) was the chosen one to address the nation regarding the latest Presidential address. And each and every point Bush made was forcefully dismissed as foolish by Senator Reed. Reed’s follow up address was completely aimed to discredit everything President Bush said.

Jack Reed, ex military man, was chosen because of his “military" and "anti-war from the beginning” history. It appears that the democrats are digging closer to the bottom of the barrel to find an appropriately positioned democrat that will give, at least in their minds, the impression of someone who is not a hypocrite.

Jack Reed is quoted as saying “I did not approve the war from the beginning…” and it is this history that landed Senator Jack Reed in the lime light. What's disturbing is one on-going fact: We do not have the luxury of turning back the clock to a pre-war situation. The war is fact and the reality of that fact is the only thing to move ahead on. The Democrats, not just a few but all, and some defecting Republicans, voice their objection to the war as if they can some how travel back in time. Not a single one of them has come up with a solution to the current situation. All they do is react to what is happening in Iraq by saying “run away, run away!”

A rapid and measured draw down of troops is not the answer. Not even close to the answer! The answer lies in strengthening Iraq’s borders to strangle outside help. Once that is accomplished the terrorist insurgents in Iraq will wither and die! Without help from Iran and other thug nations, those battling our troops will fail quickly!

The Democrats want Bush to fail! That is why they give no support to him what so ever! They want him to fail prior to the election. That is why all the frantic talk of immediate re-deployment out of Iraq! The group of Democrats currently in power have full understanding of what will happen, but no care about it, as long as they gain power!

If the war in Iraq fails while Bush is still in office then they can lie to the world about having had nothing to do with it. Should they support the White House agenda to successfully finish what they and President Bush started they risk losing the white house in 08. A price to high to pay for those lacking integrity. They will not risk losing that power no matter what the cost will be to our country. In-fighting, lying and humiliation are the only tactics left to those whose morality has been sold for power.

The spoiled brat immaturity of our congress is made even more apparent when Senator Hillary Clinton came before the Senate Armed Services Committee and publicly called Army General David Petraeus a "betrayer." She goes so far as to hug Move and their slogan regarding General Petraeus.

It is obvious the Democrats will plunge to any depth, even sell their souls to the devil himself to gain back their precious power. This whole sophomoric political drama is playing out like high school back stabbing during a run for class president.

Shame on the evil designs at work in our nation’s capitol!

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