What makes you think you are more intelligent than founders of our country? More inspired than Abraham Lincoln? What makes you think that America was a creation based in stupidity?
When accepting the Republican nomination in 1858, Abraham Lincoln delivered a powerful speech. One phrase stands out above all in this speech, "a house divided against itself cannot stand." Those words are just as true today as they were in 1858. The actions of you, our esteemed leadership have divided our house. Honesty, virtue and integrity have no place in your souls. You stand against everything your opponent stands for, even if your opponent is right. You are seduced by power and embrace whatever standard fits your perception to retain it.
As leadership in our nations highest posts fight for power, you spit in the faces and trample on the graves of truly great leaders like Abraham Lincoln. You deride the very essence of what America was. Should our country survive this wave of irrational subreption, this generation of politicians will be forever remembered for only one thing, stupidity. Disgrace will be your legacy.
America was founded on a common cause: The cause of freedom. Freedom from tyranny and oppression. Freedom from what you “politicians” are becoming. If rules and laws don’t fit your agenda, you change them. If “In God We Trust” doesn’t fit your agenda, you remove Him. If you can lie about your opponent for gain, you will do it.
As Adolf Hitler said “By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise." You as leaders of our country have adopted Adolf Hitler's approach to control. You use his demonic advice for what? The next election?
The mill stone is chained to the neck of this once great nation, and she is hovering over the abyss. America is not your country, it is our country. You only represent us.
"A house divided against itself cannot stand." Abraham Lincoln, 1858
Today's Pillory Guest: Politicians

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