Self proclaimed man (or boy) of God since age twelve, Mr. Bill says he knew he was "going to become a minister." Of course he sort of forgot that calling when he entered the business world as a successful computer salesman and entrepreneur, businessman turned gambler and drug addict. After being indicted then convicted of insider trading and off-shore money laundering, Bill once again found Christ, in prison.
It is interesting that these types of folks only seek repentance after they are initiated into the prison system. A little like being sorry for being caught, not sorry for hurting people with their crime(s). Good on you Bill for turning your life around!
But I must digress. Mr. Keller’s recent quote “A vote for Romney is a vote for Satan” followed by his rant about the “evil Mormon cult whose followers are going to spend the eternities in hell” does seem demonically akin to McCarthyism. And these comments from Mr. Keller, a convicted felon that cannot even vote...
When it comes to judging others or their religion, it might be wise to consider which televangelist you are listening to and believing prior to the judgment and condemning thereof. If a vote for Romney is a vote for Satan then I would suggest that Televangelist Bill Keller should quiet himself and wait to be elected. But then again can a convicted felon, or for that matter a television caco-preacher hold public office?
I would much rather spend the eternities in hell with Mormons than one hour listening to Bill Keller and his band of prayer spinning buffoons. Maybe the IRS should look into the non-profit status of Bill Keller’s Internet company One question however, does anybody really need an Internet site to pray for them?

Televangelist Bill Keller is today’s pillory guest!
Welcome Bill!
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