I suppose Bill’s “swift boat” attack during the Monica Lewinsky incident is not what he is talking about. One needs to remember that Bill Clinton is an impeached (sort-of) president. He lied under oath and was more interested in Monica than Hillary during his pecksniffian occupation of the White House. I would imagine his comment about Hillary would fit Monica as well. “When I met her more than a week ago, I thought Monica had the best combination of….”
Can we believe Bill's new found accolades regarding his sort-of wife Hillary? And is our country ready for Bill Clinton to become the “First Man” of the country?
As Bill hits the campaign trail on Hillary’s behest, one might wish to re-read the Clinton White House legacy. Is our country (or the world) ready to embrace Hillary as Commander in Chief? (However, some of the items stolen from the White House might be returned if Hillary moves back in.)
While one ponders the significance of another term of Clinton control, a word of warning is appropriate according to Evilwhiteguys blog, “If you're a woman in the White House (Hillary is safe) and are approached by Bill Clinton, know that he's immune to all but the strongest pepper sprays."

Today, the pillory welcomes Bill Clinton, possibly the next “First Man.”
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