Monday, May 21, 2007

Al Gore's book: "I'm An Idiot"

Congratulations go to Al Gore for his new book release, "The Assault on Reason." Within its magical pages Mr. Gore lambastes the Bush administration, tells our troops what they have done is wrong and a waste of time and pretty much encourages terrorists that if they keep at it they will win! Not in exactly those words but really that's what it says. This is after all, what Mr. Gore wants, is it not? To prove Bush wrong at all cost, even at the expense of our country.

This seems to be a recurring theme amongst some. It is almost so obvious that I can’t help wondering if there is anyone out there that still cares. The desire to whack Bush is like mob mentality run amok.

In Mr. Gore’s book “The Assault on Reason” he outlines how much better the world would have been had he been elected president. From better preparation for 911 to Katrina to the no-war on Iraq, Mr. Gore spells it all out. Non-elected President Gore has his self-deceived view but I think the depiction below is more accurate.

After 911 “President” Gore would have asked the terrorists to stop doing that stuff. The government would be converted into a monarchy with King Al being fed grapes by school children. Health care would be run by the U.N. with Kofi signing the checks. Osama would be sleeping in the Lincoln bedroom (on the floor). Saddam would be Secretary of Defense. There would be an elite French guardsman standing watch outside the White House as a Canadian minstrel wearing red leotards bowing a fiddle prances around singing “Oh Canada”. Barbara Streisand and friends would be having a picnic on the east lawn with little birds flying around making a joyous sound. Gasoline would cost 33 cents per litre and the world would be back to a normal temperature.

I think that “Panacea of Propaganda” would be a more accurate title for Mr. Gore’s book. Long live King Al!

Today’s Pillory Guest(s) Nope, not Mr. Gore but the dolts that will buy his book!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Adolf Hitler's America

A letter to our leaders:

What makes you think you are more intelligent than founders of our country? More inspired than Abraham Lincoln? What makes you think that America was a creation based in stupidity?

When accepting the Republican nomination in 1858, Abraham Lincoln delivered a powerful speech. One phrase stands out above all in this speech, "a house divided against itself cannot stand." Those words are just as true today as they were in 1858. The actions of you, our esteemed leadership have divided our house. Honesty, virtue and integrity have no place in your souls. You stand against everything your opponent stands for, even if your opponent is right. You are seduced by power and embrace whatever standard fits your perception to retain it.

As leadership in our nations highest posts fight for power, you spit in the faces and trample on the graves of truly great leaders like Abraham Lincoln. You deride the very essence of what America was. Should our country survive this wave of irrational subreption, this generation of politicians will be forever remembered for only one thing, stupidity. Disgrace will be your legacy.

America was founded on a common cause: The cause of freedom. Freedom from tyranny and oppression. Freedom from what you “politicians” are becoming. If rules and laws don’t fit your agenda, you change them. If “In God We Trust” doesn’t fit your agenda, you remove Him. If you can lie about your opponent for gain, you will do it.

As Adolf Hitler said “By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise." You as leaders of our country have adopted Adolf Hitler's approach to control. You use his demonic advice for what? The next election?

The mill stone is chained to the neck of this once great nation, and she is hovering over the abyss. America is not your country, it is our country. You only represent us.

"A house divided against itself cannot stand." Abraham Lincoln, 1858

Today's Pillory Guest: Politicians


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Bill Keller, Televangilist and Mormon Hater!

Who is Bill Keller, Televangelist?

Self proclaimed man (or boy) of God since age twelve, Mr. Bill says he knew he was "going to become a minister." Of course he sort of forgot that calling when he entered the business world as a successful computer salesman and entrepreneur, businessman turned gambler and drug addict. After being indicted then convicted of insider trading and off-shore money laundering, Bill once again found Christ, in prison.

It is interesting that these types of folks only seek repentance after they are initiated into the prison system. A little like being sorry for being caught, not sorry for hurting people with their crime(s). Good on you Bill for turning your life around!

But I must digress. Mr. Keller’s recent quote “A vote for Romney is a vote for Satan” followed by his rant about the “evil Mormon cult whose followers are going to spend the eternities in hell” does seem demonically akin to McCarthyism. And these comments from Mr. Keller, a convicted felon that cannot even vote...

When it comes to judging others or their religion, it might be wise to consider which televangelist you are listening to and believing prior to the judgment and condemning thereof. If a vote for Romney is a vote for Satan then I would suggest that Televangelist Bill Keller should quiet himself and wait to be elected. But then again can a convicted felon, or for that matter a television caco-preacher hold public office?

I would much rather spend the eternities in hell with Mormons than one hour listening to Bill Keller and his band of prayer spinning buffoons. Maybe the IRS should look into the non-profit status of Bill Keller’s Internet company One question however, does anybody really need an Internet site to pray for them?

Televangelist Bill Keller is today’s pillory guest!
Welcome Bill!


Monday, May 14, 2007

The Reverend Al Sharpton, Bigot and Liar

Al Sharpton is a Bigot and a Liar.

During a debate on religion and politics at the New York Public Library with atheist author Christopher Hitchens, The Reverend Al Sharpton said, "As for the one “Mormon” running for office, those that really believe in God will defeat him anyway, so don't worry about that. That's a temporary situation."

The previous comment by the Reverend Al Sharpton was not taken out of context as professed by his worship, the reverend Al Sharpton and was obviously bigoted. Reverend Al Sharpton recently championed the Imus lynching for being a radio bigot but now who will champion the lynching of the Reverend Al Sharpton for the same tendency? Probably no one because it's apparently “ok” for some persons of color to say whatever they want against anybody they choose, but to call attention to a bigoted person of color is an offense the ACLU would salivate all over. (As a side note Google up some of the founders of the ACLU and see what comes up. You’ll find a great deal of communist, socialist, feminist, radical this and that, in their founders)

People need to flush these chumps out of the cracks of society and into the daylight. Yes the Reverend Al Sharpton is a smooth talking chump. As the story unfolds, Sharpton turns the attack onto Romney saying that Romney is trying to use his (Reverend Al Sharpton’s) bigoted comment for political gain. I find it ever interesting how slick the Reverend Al Sharpton and his handlers can be. I suppose they subscribe to the notion that if one tells a lie long enough then others will begin believing the lie. Desperation from a political hack!

Al Sharpton is a liar. Through clever rhetorical maneuvering Reverend Al Sharpton lies without blinking an eye. Doest not the liar go to hell? One of the leading “Thou Shalt Nots” is bearing false witness, is it not? Why are so many people beguiled by smooth talk and cleverness?

As I understand it, in the “Mormon” faith (known officially as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints), the only difference in the way “Mormons” view God is that apparently the Reverend Al Sharpton’s view of God says it’s OK to lie. That’s convenient.

Today’s Pillory Guest is of course the Reverend Al Sharpton.